Integration Flow

Learn about the API you need to integrate with to use ZWITCH's PAN verification service.

You can digitally verify an individual's or business's PAN using our APIs.

Use the below endpoint to verify a PAN.

Below is a sample request and sample response for a PAN Verification API.

  "pan": "AAAAA0000A",
  "merchant_reference_id": "102113701",
  "metadata": {
    "key_1": "DD",
    "key_2": "XOF"
  "id": "pan_NCHHIiDPDKcslUSE86u1DebJ3",
  "object": "pan_verification",
  "pan": "AAAAA0000A",
  "name_on_pan": "Anil Reddy",
  "status": "success",
  "merchant_reference_id": "102113701",
  "message": "PAN verified",
  "metadata": {
    "key_1": "DD",
    "key_2": "XOF"
  "created_at": 1655204222,
  "is_sandbox": true

Learn more about our PAN Verification API.