Overview of the account.fixed_deposit
Shown below is a sample account.fixed_deposit
"id": "fd_9asdasdsadasd2342asd",
"object": "account.fixed_deposit",
"type": "fixed_deposit",
"linked_to_account_id": "sa_Ov7T4kb7SiRTuTELfq0BZNxcP",
"amount": 100,
"tenure_in_months": 10,
"maturity_instruction": {
"auto_renew": "no",
"payout_frequency": "monthly"
"nominee": [
"name": "Ram Reddy",
"relation": "son",
"address": "221B Baker Street",
"state_code": "KA",
"city": "Bangalore",
"postal_code": "560035",
"date_of_birth": "2020-12-31",
"guardian": {
"name": "Gita Reddy",
"relation": "mother",
"address": "221B Baker Street",
"state_code": "KA",
"city": "Bangalore",
"postal_code": "560035",
"mobile_number": "9481184261"
"status": "active",
"account_number": "282139812831232",
"device_data": {
"latitude": 12.12,
"longitude": 12.12,
"ip_address": "56f6:239f:3eb7:68c8:2e81:9718:6ec5:a45c"
"interest_rate": 6,
"maturity_amount": 106,
"maturity_date": "2022-12-31",
"settled_amount": 0,
"closed_date": null,
"metadata": {
"some_data": 12345
"created_at": 1658991892,
"updated_at": 1658991892,
"is_sandbox": false
The table below lists the various parameters in the account.fixed_deposit
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier of the fixed deposit in the ZWITCH database. Has to be 28 characters. Example: fd_9asdasdsadasd2342asd Supported characters:
object | string | API object that is returned. Possible value: account.fixed_deposit |
type | string | The account type. Possible value: fixed_deposit |
linked_to_account_id | string | Unique identifier (in the ZWITCH database) of the savings or current account to which the fixed deposit is linked. Example: sa_Ov7T4kb7SiRTuTELfq0BZNxcP Supported characters:
amount | float | Amount to be deposited. Example: 300 |
tenure_in_months | integer | Duration of the fixed deposit, in months. Example: 10 |
maturity_instruction | object | Object that contains maturity instructions for the fixed deposit. Learn more about the maturity_instruction child object. |
nominee | array of object | Object that contain details of the nominee. Learn more about the nominee child object. |
status | string | Statuses of the fixed deposit account. Possible values:
account_number | string | The unique identifier of the fixed deposit in the bank database. Example: 282139812831232 |
device_data | object | Object that contains the details of the device from which the create fixed deposit account request was triggered. Learn more about the device_data child object. |
interest_rate | float | Rate of interest for the fixed deposit. Example: 3.69 |
maturity_amount | float | Total amount you will be paid if the fixed deposit reaches the maturity date.
maturity_date | string | End date of the fixed deposit. Example: 2022-12-31 |
settled_amount | float | Amount paid when the fixed deposit is closed. Depending on the maturity instructions, a fixed deposit:
Example: 369 |
closed_date | string | Date when the fixed deposit was closed. Depending on the maturity instructions, a fixed deposit:
Possible format: YYYY-MM-DD Has to be 10 characters. Example: 2027-12-31 |
metadata | object | Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Note:
"key_1": "DD" |
created_at | integer | Unix timestamp when the create fixed deposit account API request was received by ZWITCH. Example: 1640179951 |
updated_at | integer | Unix timestamp when the fixed deposit account undergoes a status change. Example: 1640179951 |
is_sandbox | boolean | Possible values:
[Child Object] Maturity Instruction Object
The table below lists the various parameters in the maturity_instruction
child object. This object is part of the account.fixed_deposit
Parameters | Type | Description |
auto_renew | string | Define what should happen to the fixed deposit on maturity. Possible values
payout_frequency | string | Required only when the auto_renew parameter is set to no .Time intervals at which the interest earned on the fixed deposit is paid to the account holder. Possible values:
[Child Object] Nominee Object
The table below lists the various parameters in the nominee
child object. This object is part of the account.fixed_deposit
Parameters | Type | Description |
name | string | Nominee's name. Maximum 70 characters. Example: Ram Reddy Supported characters:
relation | string | Nominee's relation to the Account holder. Use the Relations API to get a list of accepted values. Example: son |
address | string | Nominee's address. Maximum 135 characters. Example: 221B, Baker Street Supported characters:
landmark | string | Landmark for the address. Maximum 135 characters. Example: Opposite Wollaton House Supported characters:
city | string | Nominee's city. Example: Bangalore Supported characters:
state_code | string | Nominee's state code. Use the State Codes API to get a list of accepted values. Example: KA |
postal_code | string | Nominee's pincode. Has to be 6 digits. Example: 560005 Supported characters:
date_of_birth | string | Nominee's date of birth according to their KYC document. Accepted format: YYYY-MM-DD Has to be 10 characters. Example: 1987-12-31 Supported characters:
guardian | object | Mandatory if the nominee is under the age of 18 . Object that contains the nominee's guardian details. Learn more about the guardian child object. |
[Child Object] Guardian Object
The table below lists the various parameters in the guardian
child object. This object is part of the nominee
child object.
Parameters | Type | Description |
name | string | Guardian's name. Maximum 70 characters. Example: Gita Reddy Supported characters:
relation | string | Guardian's relation to the nominee. Use the Relations API to get a list of accepted values. Example: mother |
address | string | Guardian's address according to their KYC document. Maximum 135 characters. Example: 221B Baker Street Supported characters:
state_code | string | Guardian's state code according to their KYC document. Use the State Codes API to get a list of accepted values. Example: KA |
city | string | Guardian's city according to their KYC document. Example: Bangalore Supported characters:
postal_code | string | Guardian's pincode according to their KYC document. Has to be 6 digits. Example: 560005 Supported characters:
mobile_number | string | Guardian's mobile number. Has to be 10 digits. Example: 9876543210 Supported characters:
[Child Object] Device Data Object
The table below lists the various parameters in the device_data
child object. This object is part of the account.fixed_deposit
Parameters | Type | Description |
latitude | float | Latitude of the device from which the create fixed deposit account is sent. Note:
12.9013 Supported characters:
longitude | float | Longitude of the device from which the create fixed deposit account is sent. Note:
12.9013 Supported characters:
ip_address | string | IP address of the device from which the create fixed deposit account is sent. Supported IP address formats:
96fe:8cf3:4550:9632:e66b:d552:0124:275a |