VPA (UPI ID) Verification

Learn how you can instantly verify the validity and ownership of VPA handles.

Our VPA verification API lets you verify VPA details such as:

  • VPA status
  • Name linked to the VPA handle

To verify the validity and ownership of a VPA handle, send the VPA handle in the Verify VPA Handle API.

If the API response contains status: success, the VPA handle exists and is active. The response also contains the account holder’s name. You can check the name returned by the API with the name in your database and decide if you can make a transfer to the VPA handle.

If the API response contains status: failed, the VPA handle provided is incorrect. The response also contains a message parameter that contains the reason for the failure as given to us by the bank.


Amount Verification Not Available

Currently, it is not possible to perform amount verification for a VPA handle.