
Overview of the name_match API object.

The table below lists the response objects received for the different Name Match APIs.

Name Match APIsResponse Object
Name Match PAN vs Aadhaarname_match.pan_vs_aadhaar
Name Match PAN vs Account Verificationname_match.pan_vs_account_verification

Name Match PAN vs Aadhaar Object

Shown below is a sample name_match.pan_vs_aadhaar API object.

  "id": "nm_mNSvW8MNF1nmUdY",
  "type": "pan_vs_aadhaar",
  "object": "name_match.pan_vs_aadhaar",
  "minimum_match_score": 75,
  "status": "success",
  "name_as_per_aadhaar": "Anil Reddy",
  "name_as_per_pan": "Sunil Reddy",
  "aadhaar_verification_id": "adh_SQMGqA448nF7VhzYhpnPt0qNl",
  "pan_verification_id": "pan_WlJeh06EkPUIJWsV63TI0sEii",
  "match_score": 70.83,
  "message": "success",
  "review_needed": true,
  "metadata": {
    "key_1": "DD",
    "key_2": "XOF"
  "created_at": 1660025733,
  "updated_at": 1660025733,
  "is_sandbox": true

The table below lists the various parameters in the name_match.pan_vs_aadhaar object.

idstringUnique identifier of the name verification request in the ZWITCH database.

Example: nm_mNSvW8MNF1nmUdY
typestringThe databases you want to use to compare the individual's name.

Possible value: pan_vs_aadhaar
objectstringAPI object returned.

Possible value: name_match.pan_vs_aadhaar
minimum_match_scorefloatThe minimum acceptable match score set by you.

  • Minimum value: 60
  • Maximum score: 100
Example: 75
statusstringThe status of the name verification request.

Possible values:

  • success: The API call was successful.
  • failed: The API call failed.
aadhaar_verifications_idstringUnique identifier of the Aadhaar verification request in the ZWITCH database.

Example: adh_SQMGqA448nF7VhzYhpnPt0qNl

Use our Aadhaar Verification via OTP APIs to verify the individual's Aadhaar and get the unique identifier.
pan_verification_idstringUnique identifier of the PAN verification request in the ZWITCH database.

Example: pan_WlJeh06EkPUIJWsV63TI0sEii

Use our PAN Verification API to verify the individual's PAN and get the unique identifier.
name_as_per_aadhaarstringIndividual's name as per the Aadhaar database.

Example: Anil Reddy
name_as_per_panstringIndividual's name as per the PAN records.

Example: Anil Reddy
match_scorefloatThe match score returned by our service provider after comparing the individual's name in the 2 databases.

Example: 99.96
messagestringMessage explaining the status.

Some possible values:

  • success: The API call was successful, the individual's name in the Aadhaar and PAN databases were matched, and the match score returned is more than the minimum match score set by you.
  • failed: The API call was successful, but the match score returned is less than the minimum match score set by you.
review_neededbooleanLets you know if you need to manually review the documents to take a decision.

Possible values:

  • true: Match score returned by our service provider is lesser than the minimum match score provided by you.
  • false: Match score returned by our service provider is greater than the minimum match score provided by you.
metadataobjectObject of key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity.

  • Each pair cannot exceed 256 characters.
  • Maximum 5 key-value pairs.
Example: "key_1": "Zwitch to the moon.”
created_atintegerUnix timestamp when the name verification API request was received by ZWITCH.

Example: 1660025733
updated_atintegerUnix timestamp when the name verification API request was successfully processed.

Example: 1660025733
is_sandboxbooleanMode in which the API was triggered.

Possible values:

  • true: API was triggered in sandbox mode
  • false: API was triggered in live mode

Name Match PAN vs Account Verification Object

Shown below is a sample name_match.pan_vs_account_verification API object.

  "id": "nm_LcZxdf0dw7e14Z0zc6cyD9zEZ",
  "type": "pan_vs_account_verification",
  "object": "name_match.pan_vs_account_verification",
  "minimum_match_score": 75,
  "status": "success",
  "name_as_per_account": "Anil Reddy",
  "name_as_per_pan": "Anil Reddy",
  "account_verification_id": "accver_wIEhmszz13go8eiUSbYDZlBKu",
  "pan_verification_id": "pan_huVOg8tblXDLzLClzCWeWL9jV",
  "match_score": 70.83,
  "message": "failed",
  "review_needed": true,
  "metadata": {
    "key_1": "DD",
    "key_2": "XOF"
  "created_at": 1702454787,
  "updated_at": 1702454787,
  "is_sandbox": true

The table below lists the various parameters in the name_match.pan_vs_account_verification object.

idstringUnique identifier of the name verification request in the ZWITCH database.

Example: nm_mNSvW8MNF1nmUdY
typestringThe databases you want to use to compare the individual's name.

Possible value: pan_vs_account_verification
objectstringAPI object returned.

Possible value: name_match.pan_vs_account_verification
minimum_match_scorefloatThe minimum acceptable match score set by you.

  • Minimum value: 60
  • Maximum score: 100
Example: 75
statusstringThe status of the name verification request.

Possible values:

  • success: The API call was successful.
  • failed: The API call failed.
account_verification_idstringUnique identifier of the Account verification request in the ZWITCH database.

Example: accver_wIEhmszz13go8eiUSbYDZlBKu

Use our Bank Account Verification API to verify the individual's Bank account and get the unique identifier.
pan_verification_idstringUnique identifier of the PAN verification request in the ZWITCH database.

Example: pan_WlJeh06EkPUIJWsV63TI0sEii

Use our PAN Verification API to verify the individual's PAN and get the unique identifier.
name_as_per_accountstringIndividual's name as per the Bank Account.

Example: Anil Reddy
name_as_per_panstringIndividual's name as per the PAN records.

Example: Anil Reddy
match_scorefloatThe match score returned by our service provider after comparing the individual's name in the 2 databases.

Example: 99.96
messagestringMessage explaining the status.

Some possible values:

  • success: The API call was successful, the individual's name in the PAN and Bank account were matched, and the match score returned is more than the minimum match score set by you.
  • failed: The API call was successful, but the match score returned is less than the minimum match score set by you.
review_neededbooleanLets you know if you need to manually review the documents to take a decision.

Possible values:

  • true: Match score returned by our service provider is lesser than the minimum match score provided by you.
  • false: Match score returned by our service provider is greater than the minimum match score provided by you.
metadataobjectAn object of a key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity.

  • Each pair cannot exceed 256 characters.
  • Maximum 5 key-value pairs.
Example: "key_1": "Zwitch to the moon.”
created_atintegerUnix timestamp when the name verification API request was received by ZWITCH.

Example: 1660025733
updated_atintegerUnix timestamp when the name verification API request was successfully processed.

Example: 1660025733
is_sandboxbooleanMode in which the API was triggered.

Possible values:

  • true: API was triggered in sandbox mode
  • false: API was triggered in live mode