Shown below is a sample bharat_connect.invoice
object for Register Business.
"id": "bcinv_k3pbaALyh1CmzTPTOToHywYey",
"object": "bharat_connect.invoice",
"supplier_invoice_number": "INV0012312",
"supplier_details": {
"b2b_id": "zwch_1731304320a8b539acf65f1337854926",
"gst_in": "22AAAAA0000A3Z9",
"legal_name": "Open Financial",
"trade_name": "Open Financial",
"email": "",
"state_code": "32",
"address": {
"type": "OTHER",
"address": "RGA Tech park 123",
"city": "Bangalore",
"postal_code": "560035",
"state": "KARNATAKA"
"buyer_details": {
"b2b_id": "zwch_1731046715a8b539acf65f6707494305",
"gst_in": "22AAAAA0000A1H2",
"legal_name": "Surjava Test",
"trade_name": "Surjava Test",
"email": "",
"state_code": "06",
"place_of_supply_code": "32",
"address": {
"type": "OTHER",
"address": "RGA Tech park 456",
"city": "Bangalore",
"postal_code": "560035",
"state": "KARNATAKA"
"transaction_details": {
"supply_type": "B2B",
"reverse_charge_tax": "",
"e_commerce_gstin": "",
"igst_chargable": ""
"e_invoice_details": {
"irn": "",
"irn_ts": ""
"items_details": [
"serial_no": "1",
"is_service": "NO",
"hsn_code": "19059040",
"quantity": 1.0,
"unit_price": 2.0,
"total_amount": 2.0,
"assessment_amount": 2.0,
"gst_rate": 18.0,
"total_item_value": 4.0,
"product_description": "xyz description test"
"supplier_bank_details": {
"vpa": "test@vpa",
"bank_account_number": "3307",
"name_of_account_holder": "John Doe",
"bank_ifsc_code": "SBIN0070305",
"bank_name": "SBI"
"metadata": {},
The table below lists the various parameters in the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier for the invoice. Example: bcinv_k3pbaALyh1CmzTPTOToHywYey. |
object | string | Type of the object. Example: bharat_connect.invoice. |
supplier_invoice_number | string | Supplier's invoice number. Example: INV0012312. |
supplier_details | object | Details of the supplier. |
buyer_details | object | Details of the buyer. |
transaction_details | object | Details of the transaction. |
e_invoice_details | object | Details of the e-invoice. |
items_details | array | Array containing item details. |
supplier_bank_details | object | Details of the supplier's bank. |
metadata | object | Additional metadata about the invoice. |
response | object | Response details for the invoice. |
Child Object Supplier Details
The table below lists the various parameters in the Supplier Details object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
b2b_id | string | Unique identifier for the supplier. Example: zwch_1731304320a8b539acf65f1337854926. |
gst_in | string | GSTIN of the supplier. Example: 22AAAAA0000A3Z9. |
legal_name | string | Legal name of the supplier. Example: Open Financial. |
trade_name | string | Trade name of the supplier. Example: Open Financial. |
string | Email of the supplier. Example: | |
state_code | string | State code of the supplier. Example: 32. |
address | object | Address details of the supplier. |
mobile_number | string | Mobile number of the supplier. Example: "" for empty. |
Child Object Supplier Details Address
The table below lists the various parameters in the Supplier Details Address object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of address. Example: OTHER. |
address | string | Full address. Example: RGA Tech park 123. |
city | string | City of the supplier. Example: Bangalore. |
postal_code | string | Postal code. Example: 560035. |
state | string | State of the supplier. Example: KARNATAKA. |
Child Object Buyer Details
The table below lists the various parameters in the Buyer Details object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
b2b_id | string | Unique identifier for the buyer. Example: zwch_1731046715a8b539acf65f6707494305. |
gst_in | string | GSTIN of the buyer. Example: 22AAAAA0000A1H2. |
legal_name | string | Legal name of the buyer. Example: Surjava Test. |
trade_name | string | Trade name of the buyer. Example: Surjava Test. |
string | Email of the buyer. Example: | |
state_code | string | State code of the buyer. Example: 06. |
place_of_supply_code | string | Place of supply code. Example: 32. |
address | object | Address details of the buyer. |
Child Object Buyer Details Address
The table below lists the various parameters in the Buyer Details Address object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
type | string | Type of address. Example: OTHER. |
address | string | Full address. Example: RGA Tech park 456. |
city | string | City of the buyer. Example: Bangalore. |
postal_code | string | Postal code. Example: 560035. |
state | string | State of the buyer. Example: KARNATAKA. |
Child Object Transaction Details
The table below lists the various parameters in the Transaction Details object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
supply_type | string | Type of supply. Example: B2B. |
reverse_charge_tax | string | Details of reverse charge tax. Example: "" for empty. |
e_commerce_gstin | string | GSTIN of e-commerce operator, if applicable. Example: "" for empty. |
igst_chargable | string | Details of IGST charge. Example: "" for empty. |
Child Object E-Invoice Details
The table below lists the various parameters in the E-Invoice Details object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
irn | string | Invoice Reference Number (IRN). Example: "" for empty. |
irn_ts | string | Timestamp for the IRN generation. Example: "" for empty. |
Child Object Items Details
The table below lists the various parameters in the Items Details object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
serial_no | string | Serial number of the item. Example: 1. |
is_service | string | Indicates if the item is a service. Example: NO. |
hsn_code | string | HSN code for the item. Example: 19059040. |
quantity | float | Quantity of the item. Example: 1.0. |
unit_price | float | Unit price of the item. Example: 2.0. |
total_amount | float | Total amount for the item. Example: 2.0. |
assessment_amount | float | Assessment amount for the item. Example: 2.0. |
gst_rate | float | GST rate applicable for the item. Example: 18.0. |
total_item_value | float | Total item value after taxes. Example: 4.0. |
product_description | string | Description of the product. Example: xyz description test. |
Child Object Supplier Bank Details Details
The table below lists the various parameters in the Supplier Bank Details object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
vpa | string | Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the supplier. Example: test@vpa. |
bank_account_number | string | Bank account number of the supplier. Example: 3307. |
name_of_account_holder | string | Name of the account holder. Example: John Doe. |
bank_ifsc_code | string | IFSC code of the supplier's bank. Example: SBIN0070305. |
bank_name | string | Name of the supplier's bank. Example: SBI. |
Child Object Metadata
The table below lists the various parameters in the Metadata object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
metadata | object | Additional metadata for the invoice. Example: {} for empty metadata. |
Child Object Response
The table below lists the various parameters in the Response object which is part of the bharat_connect.invoice
Parameters | Type | Description |
status | string | Response status of the invoice. Example: SUCCESS. |
message | string | Additional response message. Example: "" for an empty message. |