Overview of the payment
Shown below is a sample payment
"id": "tx_mb8uewBpmBio1GDPbYgPn15cO",
"object": "payment",
"type": "funding",
"account_id": "va_d6tSjecrvZDNEGwhmXZ2nOOGg",
"vpa_verification_id": "accver_wjqJy3qqUVVoj9gA1aYdfvZ8G",
"funding_account_id": "sa_sbmAPCCHdJ41ggx5UPwv0n0a2YVe",
"amount": 1,
"currency": "inr",
"transacted_at": null,
"bank_reference_number": "115119578783",
"status": "pending",
"remitter_bank_account_number": null,
"remitter_bank_ifsc_code": null,
"remitter_full_name": null,
"remitter_note": null,
"remitter_vpa_handle": "anil.reddy@examplebank",
"paid_mode": "upi",
"paid_to": "zwch1761300234@icici",
"transaction_reference_id": null,
"remark": "first fund",
"merchant_reference_id": "1234565656",
"expiry_in_minutes": 10,
"mandate_id": null,
"metadata": {
"key_1": "DD",
"key_2": "XOF"
"is_sandbox": true,
"link": null,
"created_at": 1667821016
The table below lists the various parameters in the payment object.
Parameters | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique identifier of the payment in the ZWITCH database. Has to be 28 characters. Example: tx_mb8uewBpmBio1GDPbYgPn15cO Supported characters:
object | string | API object that is returned. Possible value: payment |
type | string | The type of payments you want to receive. Possible value: funding |
account_id | string | Unique identifier of your receivable funding account. Money is credited to your receivable account. You need to transfer money from the receivable account to the account being funded. Has to be 28 characters. Example: va_d6tSjecrvZDNEGwhmXS2nOOGg Supported characters:
vpa_verification_id | string | Unique identifier obtained when verifying the applicant's UPI ID. Example: accver_wjqJy3qqUVVoj9gA1aYdfvZ8G |
funding_account_id | string | Unique identifier of the account you want to fund in the ZWITCH database. Example: sa_sbmAPCCHdJ41ggx5UPwv0n0a2YVe |
amount | float | Funding amount. Example: 3.69 Supported characters:
currency | string | 3-letter iso currency code for the payment. Has to be 3 letters. Possible value: inr Supported characters:
transacted_at | integer | Unix timestamp when the payment was made. Example: 1640179951 |
bank_reference_number | string | Reference number returned by the bank for the payment. Example: 115119578783 |
status | string | Status of the payment. Possible values:
remitter_bank_account_number | string | The account number from which money is received. Example: XXXXXX1111 |
remitter_bank_ifsc_code | string | The account IFSC from which money is received. Example: HDFC0000123 |
remitter_full_name | string | The account holder's name from who money is received. Example: Anil Reddy Note: The remitter's name should match the name on the account being funded. |
remitter_note | string | Notes entered by the remitter while making the payment. This is null for UPI collect requests. |
remitter_vpa_handle | string | The applicants VPA handle. Example: anil.reddy@ybl |
paid_mode | string | Payment mode used to complete the payment. Possible value: upi |
paid_to | string | VPA handle to which the amount is credited. This is the VPA handle linked to the account where the money is credited. Example: zwch2016214817@yesbank |
transaction_reference_id | string | Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) number received from the bank for the payment. Example: HDFCA00001000000 |
remark | string | The remark you want to show against the payment request.
Example: Lego Death Star. |
merchant_reference_id | string | Unique identifier entered while creating the payment. Example: 1409614085 |
expiry_in_minutes | integer | Time in minutes after which the collect request expires. Example: 10 |
mandate_id | string | Unique identifier of the mandate for which the payment was made. This is null for UPI collect requests. |
metadata | object | Object of key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity.
Example: "key_1": "We are using Zwitch.” |
is_sandbox | boolean | The mode in which the API was triggered. Possible values:
link | string | Always null for first funding transfers. |
created_at | integer | Unix timestamp when the payment request was received by ZWITCH. Example: 1640179951 |